Tuesday 29 December 2009

Reality bites & truth hurts

ermm..i started my pre-science at the age of 18..diploma at the age of 19..graduated with good grades at the age of 22..get an offer to pursue my 1st degree at the age of 22 as well..but now???i'm nobody..i didn't even manage to complete my degree.. I've failed..TIPD??big time!!!UiTM Penang???even a bigger big time!!!!miss my classes..miss my study mates...i miss everything..btl la kan farah..reality bites..n it hurts wen it is nothing but the truth....

Monday 28 December 2009


smlm..kete xleh start..kol mijie mntk tolong..mijie dth die kol dash plak..dash datang bawak luke..3org mekanik xbetauliah try n error kat kete gue..akhirnye idop gak..thanx all..then tdo..tetibe tejage..kucing gadoh..adoila xtau la c choki tu gadoh ngan kucing mane ntah..sampai teberak2..hish..bagi keje extra je choki ni...ape2 pon..smlm ssh naktdo..sbb ape??sbb otak memikirkan sesuatu..n here comes the question...:-

if..if sum1 u know 4 nearly 4years..ask ur hand in marriage..would u accept it??

p/s:- please help me out..fyi, i've no heart feeling whatsoever towards him..he's just my friend who lives far away as in out of malaysia border..

Wednesday 16 December 2009

telampau blurrrrrr

nak watpe ni???dr tadi ngadap ape pon xkuar...haaa!!!ade cite..tadik..g makan2..sembang pny sembang..dr kul 11 kate nak gerak balik sampai kul 12 baru arr bebetul gerak..hehehe..ni pon da kul 2.10pg tp aku xtdo lg..mate ngantok tp xleh nak lelap..ape la nak di buat ni....

Thursday 10 December 2009

intan n permata???obviously yes!!!

mencari diri..

manusia berubah btl??btl la tu ...kalo x xkan aku brubah kan..farah ilina past few years is not the same as farah ilina these years..mentally..physically..emotionally..sumenye berubah..sbb???sbb farah leka..nape farah leka?hanya farah yg tau..haha..anyway i know that my life isn't over yet..right??righto.....below..lyrics that helps me het up whenever i'm down..underground????huhuh

I can almost see it
That dream I am dreaming
But there's a voice inside my head saying
"You'll never reach it"

Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking

But I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But no, I'm not breaking

I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most, yeah
Just gotta keep going

And I, I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on

'Cause there's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Somebody's gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!

Keep on moving, keep climbing
Keep the faith, baby
It's all about, it's all about the climb
Keep the faith, keep your faith, whoa

P/s:- life is a climb sumhow rite???rite..n sumtimes we can climb up easily but sumtimes we fell down but all u have to do is keep the faith n never give up...ur bright future is up ahead..at the top of the mountain

Saturday 5 December 2009


arie ni wat quiz kat quizilla..hahaha what flavor is my Lipgloss?????n here goes the answer....


The more outgoing, exotic flavor compared to strawberry. they may be the same color and come from the same fruit family, but they have many differences. Raspberries are go-getters and do anything to get what they want, they are passionate and determined, proud and brave people. they are also bright, loud and have a temper to control.

n it is sooo true coz really now i'm wearing maybelline lipgloss raspberry flava..hahahahhaa wat a coincidence!!!!


tension2!!!!!!nape aku tension????ntah sbb da tertension kot..ntahla..xblh nak pk la..nak tgk new moon ade sesape nak temankan x???

Sunday 8 November 2009


salam n hye..
its been a while now since last post..been bz with final xm..worried like hell that i cant manage to cover every chapter for each subject but now that it's over..i'm still worried that i cant mark up my gpa n cgpa..hmm..dunno what else should i do..what've to be done have been done..now all i that i can do is pray n leave the rest to Allah The Almighty...

Thursday 8 October 2009

what's luv?????


hye all!!!

it's been a while since the last post..well xbanyak nak cite..bz as usual..test, quiz, esemen then test again..well the best part of it is now that i got so many things to do it is easy for me to forget U!! ok now, esok ade raya @wawasan. aku handle prog so xtau la mcm mane rupe prog tu esok..hahahaha..ape lg ekk nak ckp..owh ya..my girl is now 2 already ..talkative as ever ..n naughty sesgt2nye...hmm raye arie tu x cam raye pon..spanjang minggu xsehat je..later i will upload gambar raye kay..so thats all 4 now..till then..bye!!!

p/s:-live ur life well

Wednesday 2 September 2009

hari ini....

hari ni banyak program tergendala..sbb???sbb aku xsht..wawawa asyik2 denan selseme menakutkan la...anyway ade banyak sbb nape aku xg klas..antaranya adalah..xpayah tau la..yang penting nak kene g klinik ni tp..nak g klinik mane ekk??adoila pehal la kat saujana putra ni xde klinik..lotih den....

Tuesday 1 September 2009

Brain damage @ EEEB273

oopppsssss...my brain gonna blow..adoila y this subject suddenly bcome so ssh..waawawaaaa nak test ni..how???HOW??how??HOW?????...
oooo FARAH!!!!!

Friday 28 August 2009


advance calculus???wawawa nak test ni jap lg..tp nape ekkkk rasenye mcm xbest je..rase cm xsedia sesgtnye...warghhhhhhh!!!!

Thursday 13 August 2009


hye..lame xmenulis..bz??xjgk..cume xsempat n idea xde..nape jd cm2??sbb ...xpe la..anyway..skunk ngah cuti n kat umah..n xde wat pe..baru pas baking choc cake for my dearest daughter...k la xtau la nak tulis ape...bubye....

Sunday 14 June 2009

Aku da fed up!!!

tired??yes..i am tired..i am sick of all ur excuses..i've had enough..n now..IT IS UP TO YOU!!!


this is my eldest daughter..nadia..at mamak stall tgh tunggu mee goreng that she order for breakfast

this is my baby boy..baru lepas mandi..

adeq nangis...mama usik ekk???

termenungjauh igt kan alya ke adam????

u n ur kenakalan...memunggah je hari2

Saturday 13 June 2009


perlu ke aku percaye kat die???perlu ke aku trime je semua alasan die??perlu ke aku trus di sini..x..aku ttp akn pergi..kalo rase nak tunggu by all means di persilakan..but if u dont want too..i never give a damn now!!!!!!!

Friday 12 June 2009

Run away from reality???

i am sad..i am frustated with wat going on in my life rite now..at this very moment..i really hope that i could run away from all this..from wat ever happened for the past few days..i just wish that i never say yes wen u asked me out that day..just wish that wat ever happen now is just a nightmare..i cant sleep..i cant eat..i cant stop myself from putting on fake smile..i am deeply hurt..if and only if u could feel what i feel rite now.. i want to run away!!!!

kau & aku????

menipu ditipu..meninggalkan ditinggalkan..sayang??masih..cinta??masih..rindu???sentiasa...kenapa?????this 1 goes 2 u dear..will always b mine now n forever..but the reality aint this sweet rite?????

Bila Rasaku Ini Rasamu by Kerispatih

Aku memang terlanjur mencintaimu
Dan tak pernah ku sesali itu
Seluruh jiwa telah ku serahkan
Menggenggam janji setiaku


Ku mohon jangan jadikan semua ini
Alasan kau menyakitiku
Meskipun cintamu tak hanya untukku
Tapi cobalah sejenak mengerti

Bila rasaku ini rasamu
Sanggupkah engkau
Menahan sakitnya
Terkhianati cinta yang kau jaga
Coba bayangkan kembali
Betapa hancurnya hati ini kasih
Semua telah terjadi

Thursday 11 June 2009

aku ,die & kami

ape tu???ntah la..hnye mereka yg patut faham je faham..heheheh(baek xyah post camni farah!!!)

xpaham la!!!!

aku ni kan betul la xphm n xkan phm lelaki..susah betul dorg ni..ade masalah je lari dari kenyataan..bermasalah je lari..off phone..lari balik kampung..xnak ckap..xnak cerite pastu bile org marah..bile terase mule la die ckp kite ni xpaham..come on la..korg yg xhonest nape ckp kitorg gurls xphm korang plak..remember..in relationship..komunikasi tu penting tp komunikasi mestilah telus...IGT !!!!!

Monday 8 June 2009


Aku bosan dengan cintamu
Aku rasa buang masa
Kau selalu mendustakan cintaku
Aku fikir kau tak searus
Biarkan ku beralih
Biarkan diriku terus bersendiri

Ku tak sanggup engkau setia
Walau jasad dan juga nyawa
Sebagai tanda cintamu padaku katamu

Tak mungkin ku percaya
Kata-kata yang penuh dusta
Hanyalah bibir berkata
Yang memilukan
Menambah bengang rasa hampa
Terus hingga diriku terasa

Cukup berkali kau berkata
Jangan diulang lagi dusta
Jangan kau pujuk hati yang terluka
tak mungkin akan ku kembali
Jika janji sekadar mimpi
Tak mungkin aku sanggup bersama denganmu

nape ble berjanji xboleh tepati tp yg di salahkan aku?????knape..ble penjelasan dituntut yg di beri sekadar alasan..dan sekali lagi aku juga yg salah..nape memberi harapan andai harapan yg diberi hanya mimpi di siang hari..kecewa???ntah la..xtau nak rase ape..cume aku rase lagu ni mmg untuk DIE!!!!!!!

Wednesday 27 May 2009

Thursday 21 May 2009

Annual Dinner @ Wawasan

dear friends!!!!!

ok..guys..di cni aku nak promote gik skali wawasan annual dinner this comming august 2009..
here r the details:-

  • Tarikh = 2/8/2009(Ahad)
  • Tema = Vintage, Retro & Classic
  • Tempat = Cyberview Lodge Resort & Spa, Cyberjaya
  • Kapasiti = 100-200 orang
  • Bayaran = RM100 seorang

kalo korang nak g inform la aku tok penerangan lanjut..jom wei..best yg di gerentikan 150%..nape best??? sbb ade aku..nape bile ade aku program ni jd best??sbb aku mmg best..lg CUMEL!!!!!!heheheheheh k guys!!!chow!!!

Tuesday 5 May 2009



sorry yek kengkawan lame mendiamkan diri..biasela balik umah cuti sem..komputer n internet dah jth tmpt ke-2..arie tu g krk(nightmare kem yg membawa ke fobia utk g krk lagik..hehehe gile metafora aku ni!!!)ni baru balik dari kem satu kat sungkai..kem ni best..thousand,million and trillion of thanx to all the penganjur n urusetia..u guys really did it well!!!!!(2 thumbs up!!!!)..nak letak gambar pon xde..so sampai sini dulu nnt next time kite tulis gik!!!!

p/s:- life is beautiful..all u need is searching...

Friday 27 March 2009

stress la aku thermo ni weiiiiii!!!!!!!nape musti thermo??????

Tuesday 24 March 2009

DE sudah berlalu

tadi ade paper DE..differential equation..hmm ok la..nak kate ssh sgt x..xssh sgt pon xjgk..ok je..anyway atie sgt gumbira kerana da lepas DE..hehehehe..hmm esk de tech comm plak...

Monday 23 March 2009


ni la rupe umah kitorg d waktu final..sgt bersepah kan????muke tuan rumah korg xtgk lagi..hehehehehehhe :))

Saturday 21 March 2009

adek gue....

this is my little big baby boy!!!ahaksss..jgn marah ekk deq..publisiti nih...hmm..this young man here will be sitting for his PMR exam by the end of this year n yet still main je keje nye..wat ngah sakit jantung je balik umah marah adeq!!!igt baby...blaja..jgn main je..thn ni major exam..kalo xperform ngah soh abh amek balik phone!!!!hugs n kisses..-ngah-

Thursday 19 March 2009

anak mama 2

mama rindu adik..uwaaaa!!!!!

masak = cooking

arie ni ade acare masak memasak n meruntuhkan dapur kat umah nabila..menu arie ni:-

1.masak lemak cili api ayam
2.ikan bilis goreng ngan kentang
3.sayur goreng tepung
4.sambal belacan
5.air laici
6.croissant sandwich

P:s//pandai sgt aku masak ni...

Wednesday 18 March 2009

friends??good friends??best friends??

hullo..that day i ade discuss ngan few of my fren of wat are the diff between friend..good friend..n best friesnd..n of coz there are diff thought on this matter..but sumhow..all of us do agree on 1 thing which is we are not always have to reveal everything to our friend..we do need our own privacy time..so indeed yes on some part great minds do think alike..n thats mean we are great..ahakss..anyway pls drop by your own point of view on this matter..adios!!!

p/s:-friends are like flower..nice and beautiful but wont stay long..good friends are like chocolate..sweet and enchanting but bitter at times..good friends are like leech..always there but not always needed..

Monday 16 March 2009

aku,library & librarian

arie ni aku g library....libririan die mcm sengal..dala xbukak lebri 24hrs..pas2 selamba badak nak kaco org..tegur2 la..muke kerek pehal??nak slipe ke???pnh ke tgk UFO bebetuk slipe??nak tgk ke????cittt kebengangan kebetulan keaku-an!!!!!

Saturday 14 March 2009

aku finin la!!!!!!

aku pening la weii..APAKAHHHHHHH????????kenapa?mengapa?perlukahhhhh????

anak mama

hari ni bawak deqya balik kampus..nakal..xdengar cakap..sume cukup..sepahkan kete lagi..nasib baek sayang..

Friday 13 March 2009

CSEB & Nurul Salasilah

ni la nurul salasilah....ehhh silap2 nurul fazilah...tgh wat CSEB yg sgt bests...pening ke nurul??
ko makan ape tuuuu???????

Thursday 12 March 2009


apakah cseb114???c programming adalah kelas d mana kite akan memprogramkan ape2 yg ptt di programkan...masalahnye disini adalah kalo otak kite yg nak kene reprogram blh ke gune ape yg d ajar dlm cseb114 niiiii?????

Wednesday 11 March 2009


AKU SANGAT BENGANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ni la gambar grad nyte arie tu..ade lg nak d upload kan..tp server uni ni lembab sgt la plak...
anyway i did enjoy that nyte eventhough agak berterabur aturcara mlm tu...

Tuesday 10 March 2009

aku & teman2

nila gambar aku n kawan2 or should i say geng aku kat UNITEN yg indah permai ni???anyway..
guys..glad having u as my frens..!!!!luv n kisses always!!!

Monday 9 March 2009

aku pon xtahu!!!!

ape yg aku tahu???aku pon xtahu ape yang aku tahu..korang tahu ape yang aku xtahu???
korang pon tak tahu???kalo korang xtahu ape yang aku xtahu mcm mane aku nak tahu ape yang aku xtahu.ntah la..perlu ke aku tahu ape yang aku xptt tahu?????

P:s//if u dont know wat u want in ur life u might failed ur whole life coz u'll never been able to plan ur future life!!!!!so get to know urself,ur ability,ur speciality,ur capability n then do plan ur future n work 4 it....

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Bigggggg APAKAH???????????

ok guys...arie ni aku bengan..nape aku bengang???sbb aku bengang la...

waaaa i wanna ask u out there..do u think that last minute work works???????OMG this is really

SUCKS!!!!!!i wanna die!!!!!!!!

P:S//do not procastinate ur work to the last minute!!!!!!!

Monday 23 February 2009


minggu ni otak da ok sket..xsewel sgt..hopefully smpi ujung minggu pon camni la hendaknye..arie ni..xde bende nak story..c u next post je la yea..daaaaaa

Thursday 19 February 2009


okay..here we are again..aha..question alert!!!!!

why are boys difficult to understand??what are they really want in their life??really guys..do u all boys think that u are matured enough when we girls see u are not???n y do u guys, have to hurt our feeling n proudly say that u are not n its just our gurls un matureness makes us feel that way??????please guys!!!do realize u are not as what u think u are..y dont u just accept who u are n who we are as we gurls accepts u guys!!!!

P/s:yes guys..i do have a brother which is a boy!!a father which once is a boy n now is a man..i have relatives n they are boys..but still yet..i do hate boys coz u guys are irritating!!!!

and indeed yes!!! boys ARE stupids!!!!some guys and men too..so i wanna THROW ROCKS at them..along with Whatever i have in my hand too!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday 18 February 2009


what will u do when u realize that u luv sum1 rite after u broke up with ur ex..n u urself are not sure either that feelind is real or just a rebound????

P/s:what is rebound anyway guys??????

Tuesday 17 February 2009

personality quiz

come on guys!!!!lets do the personality quiz n find out bout ourselves!!! click here http://www.personalityquiz.net/profiles/hrdepartment.htm

n as 4 me..i got this:-

Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out.

ahahaha so like me..kan3????

p/s: blh pecaye ke ni???


i am mad..u know y???cos boys are stupid..some man and guys too..so throw rocks at them..along with slipers and shoes too!!!!!!
p/s:fact 1=i hate boys..fact 2=boys are irritating ..conclusion=leave them behind!!!

Sunday 15 February 2009

dedicated 4 me???

Selamat Ulang Tahun Sayang
Written/Composed by Imran Ajmain/Ahmad Fedtri Yahya
Arranged by Eddie Marzuki
Yang tulus ikhlas
Ingin sekali sekala dirinya dibalas
Walau hanya dengan dakapan di angin lalu
Yang selalu memberi
Ingin sekali sekala jadi penerima
Cukup dengan salam dan manis doa


Aku ingin kau merasakan hebatnya cinta
Dan leburkan saja serpihan calar derita


Selamat ulang tahun sayang
Kini kau bersayap, pergilah terbang
Rentaslah langit cita cita mu
Harap nanti kita ‘kan bertemu

Selamat ulang tahun sayang
Janganlah engkau tak terbang pulang
Ku nanti penuh kerinduan
Selamat tinggal, selamat jalan

(Strings Bridge)

Aku hanya inginkan engkau setia
Kerana setia yang mencipta bahagiamu


>>>org blom g lagi la...dedicate arr lagu ni bln 9 nnt..tu pon kalo org g..ape la.

p/s: it is hard 2 say gudbye is it???but it is also hard 2 leave everything behind as well!!!

sgt penat!!!

hari ini n semalam sgt penat!!!sgt2 penat...anyway still hepi..big congratulation goes to my cousin shaliza binti shapiansuri n her newly wed hubby hj. abd rashid...all the best n berbahagia hendaknye slaloo..peace!!!;-)

p/s:i am hepi..arent i?????:D

Wednesday 11 February 2009


applying abroad is is 1 tough job..plus current assigments n works...wawawa highty mighty difficult to organize life la...anyway i still wanna go...;-) peace!!

p/s:life might gets tough sumtimes but,never give up till u reach ur goal!!!


word of wisdom: we makes 1000 friends a day,but only few of them will turn out to be our gud friend and maybe no one will be our best friend..but still..friends do keep in touch too!!!;-) peace!!!!!

Tuesday 10 February 2009

me??sungguh bosan mlm ni..hmm 3 post skali anta..so bored tahap giga..n so many works n assignments..my head gonna explode in any minute!!!anyway..this is life isnt it??hahahah;-)...peace!!


ok guys...question!!!if u have been given a choice...do u prefer to study abroad or here??

p/s: do consider all the chances of a brighter future!!!


well..assalamualaikum..n hye!!

this is my 1st official blog dudes!!dah lame nak wat baru ni ade kesempatan..well here i'll let u know more abt me..(of coz dont bother if u dont want to..)n sure u can ask me wat eve u want..n i'll try to answer as soon as i can n as accurate as well..heheheh..ok daa..life is gud so put on a smile!!!

p/s:- i'll live my life to the fullest even if everything wen upside down!!!