Sunday 30 January 2011

my cousin's wedding

salam all...

tadi g my cousin's nye wedding kat presint14 gak begitu nak study..nnt akn diupload gmbar kenduri..yg xbest adalah xsempat karok sbb mak ajak balik..sigh....

Friday 28 January 2011

hari ini

hari ni..hari yg panjang rasenye...xtau la nape..may be sbb de lab kot..agak bengong semasa wat alhamdulillah bejaya gak akhirnye menyiapkan lab je xsempat cek tu kate anta pas cny kire cun la...hehehe..kay chow..wa mau tdo..nite2..muahxxx...

Thursday 27 January 2011

New Life New Year

holla..its been a new year..n i'm leaving on new i told u..i'm single now..leaving mylife without him is not quite the same..its been hard..its been stressful..n its driving me out crazy...but i manage to overcome..the feeling i have for him..the hate i keep inside..i never tot that i could be so stupid in believing in him..but that the fact..i trust him coz i luv him..i respect him coz i adore him...i honour him coz i tot he's the one..but obviously now he is not..n naw..i'm a student at uitm shah alam kampus..leaving my day as busy as i could..coz thats all i can do to move foward n leave the rest behind..

p:s//nobody can change u accept the me in u....