Thursday 8 October 2009

what's luv?????


hye all!!!

it's been a while since the last post..well xbanyak nak as usual..test, quiz, esemen then test again..well the best part of it is now that i got so many things to do it is easy for me to forget U!! ok now, esok ade raya @wawasan. aku handle prog so xtau la mcm mane rupe prog tu esok..hahahaha..ape lg ekk nak ckp..owh girl is now 2 already ..talkative as ever ..n naughty sesgt2nye...hmm raye arie tu x cam raye pon..spanjang minggu xsehat je..later i will upload gambar raye thats all 4 now..till then..bye!!!

p/s:-live ur life well