Thursday 10 February 2011


Do you give up the struggle to overcome your own limitations on the first attempt, or do you keep on with it, trying a second time, a third time, and continuing on in the challenge for the rest of your life? That is the only difference between the genius and the ordinary person

Friday 4 February 2011


hye..word of wisdom for today....

Sincere efforts to brighten our surroundings and the lives of others return to illuminate our own final years with dignity. A genuinely happy person is one who has made others happy.

feeling down..fake a smile...

hye..sumthing yg aku blaja dr sesorg arie ni..kite xkan boleh nak detect nape org tu kwn n rapat ngan kite smpi la the moment dorg tinggalkan kite bile kite da xde pape lg...sbb skarang ni..its wat u are that matters not who u i ask myself..what kind of fren i am??hmm hopefully..i befriend with sum1 coz of who they r in person not  what they r coz 'what' will never last....

p:s// u may find 1000 of friends everyday..but only few will stick as ur good friend and may b none can become ur best-friend..n sumtimes..even best-friend wont always be the best

Wednesday 2 February 2011


hari ni g shah alam..pkns...punye besar muke bumi tuhan ni..punye lame bertapa kat pkns tu..dlm kereta..da nak balik..n cume instict yg mengatakan die ade kat c2..skali toleh je..ehhhh..btl la..die mmg kat c2...die tgk aku..aku tgk die..riak mukenye???hmmm..xtau la nak tafsir..yg pasti..aku...menangis di dalam..kerana die seorg kawan yg sgt aku syg..hanya kawan ...itu yg membuatkan die istimewa di wajahku selamba..dan aku terus memecut laju..kerana hatiku luka..dan dia xtahu...kerana die...disisku tiada....hmm...sigh....

Tuesday 1 February 2011

hole in my heart...

hmm..rase cam ade sumthing missing..i walk through my days...i run past memories..i fell down n realize...lamenye xwat program sendri..busan.....